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Sunday, April 30, 2006

1st of May, Labor’s Day

I wonder what was my mum thinking about when she chose the “Labor’s Day” to deliver her baby:) Yes Tomorrow is my Birthday and I will be 32 years old.

Oh My God, 32 YEARS OLD, I can’t believe it, can’t I reverse the number?! I meant what is wrong with 23, it seems fair enough for me. I am not convinced with the fact that, I am 32. The problem is that I don’t act like 32, I don’t look like 32, and above all I don’t feel like 32.

I remember 10 years ago, exactly on the 9th of September 1996, I was a fresh graduate on my way to my new job. It was my first day; I still remember every single detail as if it were yesterday. I remember my mum’s voice asking me about the work environment and whether I like it or not. These were my exact words: “I met a very nice woman (M), although she is OLD, 32 years, but I didn’t feel any age differences”. I even asked (M) if she wants me to call her “Madame” or “Engineer M” as I felt I am too young to call her by her first name! However, she told me that it is fine to call her just “M”.

Today, after 10 years of this incident, I see myself like M, 32 years “young” and soon I will be 40 but I will always have the heart of a 20ish year old girl (at least I hope so). Anyway, I learnt my lesson. Now I never call anybody old, not even my parents. I changed my view about being OLD.
As long as, you are not holding a stick in your hand and wetting your bed, then you are not old yet. Now I view 85 as old, or maybe not:)

Anyway, Happy Labor’s Day to all our fellow labors:)

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:59 PM :: 27 comments

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

أفلامنا الحلوة

نفسـى أعرف مين مصمم رقصات الأفلام العربى بداية من القرن التمنتاشـر وحتى وقتنا هذا، حيث أن جميع الرقصات تتميز بتشـويح بالأيدين ورفس بالرجلين... فشـر عجين الفلاحة شـخصياً

والملفت للنظر إن المشـهد دايما يكون نهار خارجى مع القليل من الليل الداخلى وفجأءة و فى وسـط الشـارع المزدحم وبقدرة قادر يطلع الإخوه والأخوات الراقصون والراقصات من تحت طاءطييء الأرض، جوم مينين... الله أعلم؟ وبعدين يباشـروا فى الرفس والتشـويح فى جميع الاتجاهات
كنت قعده دلوقتى اتفرج على فيلم من العينة دى، الفبلم بطولة فنانة معتزلة (الحمدلله) و شـوية فنانين كدة نصهم مات والنص التانى على وشـك. والمهم، الفيلم عبارة عن رقصة طويلة جيداً ويتخللها بعض المشـاهد التمثيلية اللى ملهاش لزمة طبعاً وأكيد قصة الفيلم دى أخر حاجة نفكر فيها

بس اللى غيزنى بقى وفارسـنى إنى قدعت اتفرج على الفيلم لغاية ما خلص وكتبوا فى الأخر "البداية" يعنى على سـبيل التغيير
طيب أيه بس إللى زنأنى على الغولب ده، يالا... معلش عقلة تفوت ولاحد يموت

Posted by Wonderer :: 6:22 PM :: 5 comments

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Quote of the Day

Man complicates simplicity and calls it progress.

Posted by Wonderer :: 11:05 AM :: 8 comments

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Monday, April 10, 2006

المولد النبوى الشـريف

حدث هذا الحديث بينى و بين إبنى (6 سـنوات) امبارح بعدما رجع من المدرسـة

هو: هوا صحيح يا مامى بكرة عيد ميلاد النبى؟
أنا: أيوه يا حبيبى
هو: طيب مش حنروح بقى نشـتريلو الهدية؟
أنا: لأ يا حبيبى، النبى (ص) مات خلاص بس إحنا علشـان بنحبه لسـة بنحتفل بعيد ميلاده حتى بعد ما مات
هو: هوا شـكله إيه النبى يا مامى
أنا: إحنا مانعرفش شـكله يا حبيبى
هو: يعنى شـكله زى ربنا؟
أنا: لأ يا حبيبى، شـكله راجل عادى بس إحنا منعرفش شـكله علشـان مات من زمان
هو: طيب هو لسـة سـايب فى بيته الطباخين؟
أنا: طباخين، طباخين ليه يا حبيبى؟
هو: علشـان يعملوا التورتة والجاتو بتوع عيد الميلاد
أنا (ضاحكة): لأ مافيش ولا تورتة ولا جاتو
هو (متعجباً): ولا تورتة ولا جاتو!!! أومال حنعمل إيه بكره بقى
أنا: كل واحد يقعد فى بيته ويقرأ شـوية قراّن
هو: يعنى يبقى إزاى عيد ميلاد من غير ولا تورتة ولا جاتو!!!؟

كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسـبة عيد المولد النبوى الشـريف

Posted by Wonderer :: 9:09 PM :: 14 comments

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

crossed out

I have crossed one point out of my list. Finally I had a haircut:)

I like it that way:)

Posted by Wonderer :: 8:29 PM :: 4 comments

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Tagged again

Thank you Ahmed andNobelese for tagging me:)

1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4.
كانت الطائرة أمامهم كبيرة الحجم، أشـبه بالسـفن الفضائية

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
Yeeeeees, and then what?

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?

4.Without looking, guess what time it is?
7:15 PM

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
7:06 PM quite close:)

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
The A/C (yes, I am cold and I am putting the A/C on in April while everybody is wearing summer clothes, any objections?:))

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
This morning, went to the hairdresser to have a haircut.

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
MIB’s website

9. What are you wearing?
A training suit.

10. Did you dream last night?
I think so, but I can’t remember it.

11. When did you last laugh?
Last night when I was playing cards with my husband:)

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Two deco pictures ( I made them myself) and an oil painting.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Yes, the 3 eyed creature that nerro talked about, came here to ask about her address:)

14. What do you think of this quiz?

15. What is the last film you saw?
Sera3 fi el Wady, Staring Omar Sherif & Faten Hamam, a piece of work.

16. If you became a multimillionaire overnight, what would you buy?
Start a business.

17. Tell me something about you that I dunno.
I am prettier than Catherine Zieta Johns (of course you believe me, don’t you? huh)

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Actually they are 3 things, remove country boarders, unite the language and the currencies. (I wanted to unite the religions too but that needs a magic stick)

19. Do you like to dance?
Yes, but I never dance (I am a very shy person).

20. George Bush.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
I’d like Judy very much.

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
I already called him:)

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
I am already living abroad.

24.What do you want GOD to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
Don’t hesitate, come on in.

25. 4 people who must also do this meme in their journal.
Lazem 4 bas... Doshar, me, Dallula, ATC, loulou, tota.

Posted by Wonderer :: 7:37 PM :: 6 comments

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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Swiss Guards

This is a picture of the Swiss Guards guarding the Vatican.

January 22nd, 1506, is the official date of birth of the Pontifical Swiss Guard, because on that day, a group of one hundred and fifty Swiss soldiers commanded by Captain Kasparvon Silenen, of Canton Uri, passed through the Porta del Popolo and entered for the first time the Vatican, where they were blessed by Pope Julius II. Swiss Guards have protected 42 popes since then.
A Swiss Guard should be Catholic, between 18-30 years old and have completed military service and high school in Switzerland. They serve for 2 years, with the possibility of extending the period. They are highly characteristic with their loyalty to the Pope and the Vatican, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for their sake.

The uniforms which attract so much attention were not, as originally thought, designed by Michelangelo. In fact, they were designed by a Commander, Jules Rupond, in 1914-1915. The uniform was paraded in Pope Leo X inauguration ceremony in 1514. The red, yellow and blue are believed to be the colors of the Medici family.

Today, they are made by one man, Ety Cicioni, the Swiss Guard tailor. They are made from 146 separate pieces of fabric, tailored to each individual Swiss Guard and taking up to two months to make.

Self Note: With all my due respect, I still hate the uniform, they look like a troop of clowns rather than guards or soldiers!!

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:00 PM :: 8 comments

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Things to do ...

I am posting this to remind myself of the things I have to do:

1- Wake up early … ( I am fed up of staying the whole night awake till dawn and sleeping till midday) 3amla zai el wataweet keda, I was never like that, it is not me at all:(
2- Have a hair-cut, zeh2t w 3azya shiwayet ta’3yeer (bored & need a change).
3- Finish reading Angels & Demons.
4- Finish the homework that nerro asked me to do, keep your fingers crossed ya nerrora:)
5- Start a French course.
6- Finish the doomed Deco picture that I started last century.
7- Buy some new stuff (brown shoes, mats, tablecloth, side lamp for my bedroom…etc).
8- Dedicate more time for my son.
9- Have daily morning strolls, ya3ni menha reyada we menha fos7a.
10- lose a couple of kilos, I am 56 and I am dying to be 53 mmm 50 will be great too but I can never reach 50k me’3air ma yen2louny 3ala el mostashfa:)

P.S. I have to do these things this year, not next year, not the year after…

Conclusion: I have to get up early, it is the key to finish all my tasks. But how can I do it while I sleep at 2 or 3 am daily … specially after changing the clocks to the summer-timing. My biological clock is messed up, mela’7bata 3ala el a’7er.

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:35 AM :: 11 comments

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Expressing Oneself

I was feeling so bored so I decided to check some new blogs. I started to check the sidebars of my favorite bloggers, and bit by bit I started entering a strange world of some alienated people.

I came across an immense number of bloggers who are writing with the same spirit, frustration and aggravation. They are all sharing the same un-balanced souls. I felt a strange gloomy feeling after reading their blogs to the extent that I decided to shutdown my laptop and save my soul these kinds of blogs.

However, instead of shutting down my computer, I found myself writing this post.

ليه الناس فى مصر بصفة خاصة وفى الوطن العربى بصفة عامة عندها كل الإحباط ده. واحد حيقوللى انتى مش عايشـة فى الدنيا ولا ايه. أيوه عايشـه فى الدنيا وكل حاجة بس مش لازم يكون التعبير عن الغضب بالشـكل ده. احنا عملين زى اللى جاب علبة حبر وراح دالئها على لوحة، راح الحبر مغطى على كل اللوحة ، الحلو والوحش فيها. يعنى مش لازم غضبنا يكون مصحوب بالالفاظ الرزيلة و سـب العيشـة و اتهام المصريين بأنهم سـلبيين وراضيين بقليلهم والسـلام

I know our country is neither the Utopia nor the Land of Milk and Honey, but can someone tell me where can I find them?!! They simply do not exist. You can find problems in the most civilized countries and the huge number of suicides in these countries is a proof to what I am saying.

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:17 AM :: 7 comments

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