Home Sweet Home

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Blogger's Gathering 2

Dalulla, Doshar and I decided to meet and move from the blogosphere to the real world. I have talked with them on the phone but that our first meeting face-to-face.

Dalulla asked us to visit her at her place as her lovely son Omar was sick and she wasn't able to go out. It was ok with me although I was dreaming of Roastery's Hazelnut Cappuccino but Dalulla made me a lovely mug of Cherry Tea instead:)

So Tuesday morning Doshar picked me up and she was kind enough to give my son a ride to my parents' place. Then we went to Dalulla. I really appreciated Doshar's effort that day. She drove a long distance to pick me up, drive my son and then to dalulla's place and then give me a ride to my parents' and then back to her home … poor Doshar:)

We went to Dalulla at almost 1:30 pm. She has a very warm and cozy home masha'allah. When she opened the door, I was silent for a moment, she looked very different from the photo. Maybe because she was veiled in the photo she sent me, and also she is very petite. I was glade to find someone who is shorter than me hehehehehe.

We had a very warm stay, I didn't feel that it was the first time to see them. I felt as if I know them long time ago. On our way to Dalulla's, Doshar and I got some foul & ta3miya sandwiches (popular beans sandwiches). We asked dalulla to prepare the tea which was essential for the foul & ta3miya hehehehe.

We spent a wonderful time together, and I have to mention Dalulla's lovely son Omar, rabina ye.7alih, he is an adorable kid. Dalulla let us in every room in the house, even her own bedroom as if we were life-time friends. She also showed us the new towels she bought. The point is, we were acting in a very spontaneously way, not like people seeing each other for the first time. I didn't feel any kind of tension that one normally feel when meeting new people:) We also called Me on the phone to tease her and tell her to try to come to Cairo, and she was met.3aza (teased).

We left Dalulla's at almost 6:30, i.e., we spent 5 hours together, 5 lovely hours:) Then I went with Doshar to a shop (kazaloon) cause I needed some material for my work. You can see Doshar like a kid in a toyshop, she was impressed and kept talking about how much she enjoyed the shop.

Then comes something new,

This morning, I had a wonderful walkup call from one of my favorite bloggers NERRO. I was extremely happy with her call, and we decided to arrange a meeting soon insha'allah.

I am telling you people, if you ever feel a kind of attachment to any of the bloggers here, don't hesitate to contact them. Believe me, you won't regret it:)

Posted by Wonderer :: 7:47 PM :: 14 comments

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Bloggers' Gathering:)

This is my 7th day in Cairo... A week is over already...

Yesterday, I went with Doshar to visit Dalulla at her place. I really enjoyed the stay, and it was quite a long visit:)

The details in the next post isa:)

Cya later,

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:54 PM :: 7 comments

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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy New Year

Dear All,

I am leaving for Egypt tomorrow:) I will be away for almost a month. I can't wait to see my parents, family and friends:)

I won't be able to blog frequently, I am not sure if I will have enough time. However, I will make by best to drop by every now and then to make sure that you are ok:)

I know it is a bit early, but I am not sure if I will be able to blog and tell you


Better Early than never:)

Will miss you all,


Posted by Wonderer :: 2:34 PM :: 18 comments

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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Job Offer

I have finished my Photoshop course last Thursday. One of my assignments was designing a business card. I designed the card and showed it to my tutor who was impressed and he showed it to the woman who owns the Center and she was impressed too.
In fact, for my, the card was fine, but not waaaaaaw or anything, I was surprised when they liked it:)

Anyway, the woman offered me a job. First task was designing a card for a shop. Ok … this part is easy, no big deal:) Done …

Here comes the difficult part. She is establishing a web-designing team and she wants me to be part of it. She wants me to take part in Designing, HTML, and English Language Editing.
I was mute when I heard the offer. I told her that I am glad to work with her but it is a very big responsibility and I may not be fit for it. After all, I am still taking my first steps in the web designing world. I asked her, why me??????? Isn't it better if you used the person who gave me the course?!!!!! She answered that he will be there too, but she needs a person who has an artistic talent for designing and a good command of the English Language (you can hardly find people here who understand English).

I didn't know what to say. I kept asking her, are you sure you are talking to the right person?!!! And she kept confirming!!!!!

Am I up to this responsibility?! I don't know! My greatest fear is to look like an ignorant in the middle of PHDs.

Posted by Wonderer :: 9:51 PM :: 14 comments

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Dying Business!

Today, I went to a bookshop to try to get a friend of mine a book that she wants. This bookshop is one of ONLY TWO bookshops here, as I am living in a very small city! When I asked the guy about the book, he said that he never heard about it! So, I told him the exact name of the book and the author and asked him to try to get it for me. However, to my astonishment the guy apologized for not being able to order more books because he is shutting down the business. He said that he wants to GET RID of the books he already have!!!

"Shutting Down the business!!!" I screamed "But why?!!!"
"Nobody reads these days" he said pitifully "It's a dying business"
"But it is a waste, it is a good bookshop, the best in the city" I said.
"Nobody cares for book nowadays" he said pathetically
"Yes, maybe it is better to open a CD shop, everybody cares for songs and video clips…" I said sadly and walked away.

Posted by Wonderer :: 9:35 PM :: 12 comments

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Monday, December 12, 2005

Reasons ...

I was talking to friend a while ago and she told me this sentence that is still ringing in my ears, "everything happens for a reason".

I found myself starting to wonder how did I start blogging?! It was last September, when I got an mail and then everything came along...

One day, I got an e-mail from a person whom I didn't even recognize her name as she was using her middle name instead of her family name! Unlike me, I opened the mail, as normally I delete mails from people I don't know as I am afraid of viruses. I opened the mail to discover that it was from a friend that I didn't see since the university days. Maybe I saw her once four years ago and that was it. I knew from some friends that she is now working in the States.

First of all, let me tell you that the mail was directed to more than 20 people, and I guess that she added my name by mistake cause this was the first mail I received from her for years!!!! In the mail she wrote many details, her work, her fiancée, her life bla bla bla … However, one sentence grabbed my attention in the mail, one normal sentence …

She said that she is starting a new addiction, every day she comes back from work to start BLOGGING!!! That was the sentence, nothing more, nothing less. She didn't mention what blogging was or what was her user name or anything, a big fat PERIOD.

At the beginning I said maybe blogging is something related to her work, which I have no idea about it till now!!! Then I found myself curious enough to search the net for the word "blogging". The first option on the Yahoo search-engine list was a link to a site of one of the bloggers (M).
When I started reading it, I got very excited and wanted to comment. However, as long as the blog does not accept anonymous comment, I had to create my OWN BLOG:) Ironically, I stopped reading M's blog long time ago, although he was my first window to the Blogosphere.

My point is, like my friend said, everything happens for a reason. I was so lonely and desperate. I was not enjoying the company of the people I knew in my real life "Away from Home". I got this strange mail from this old friend just to introduce me to a new world. The BLOGOSPHERE …

Maybe some people and saying that I must be crazy to prefer my virtual word to my real one … but yes, it is the truth!! Strange but true.
Here I can choose the people I like to know. However, in my true life there are people who I HAVE to know, cause as simply you don't have the option of choosing when you are away from home.

Yes, everything happens for a reason, and the reason of receiving the mail was to introduce me to this virtual world and hence, to get me out of my loneliness and isolation.

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:49 AM :: 11 comments

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Appreciation ...

Posted by Wonderer :: 12:24 AM :: 17 comments

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Stream of Conscious

I don't have something in mind to write about. I just wanted to talk to anybody. You all know I am here "away from home" and away from family & friends as well. I am so lonely … so miserable … so sad.

I thought of quitting blogging for a while as I am feeling down now, and I don't want to bother the bloggers with reading pessimistic posts full of tears and sorrow.
The only thing that stopped me from quitting is that you are the only people I can talk to. Although I am living in a virtual world, it is still better than my real vacant world. I am asking you to try to tolerate me these days. I know I am not a good company, but I can't help it. I decided to stop commenting in your blogs till my mood is better. I don't want to have a negative influence on you. I will start commenting when I feel I am not a burden anymore, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe never … who knows!!!

It is past midnight now, my son is sleeping and I am home alone. I need to talk to anybody, anybody ya rab… I am all alone.

Why sometimes life becomes soooooo tough. Why can't we live in peace? I always see the statement "Rest in Peace, RIP", but I never saw "Live in Peace". Is peace becoming an issue related only to dead people?

Maybe if I kill my heart, then I will Live in Peace, LIP. What do we need our heart, our emotions, and our feelings for? It is much better to use our MIND. People can hurt your heart but never your mind.

Long time ago, a friend told me, "Love yourself, you are the most important person in any relation". I am sorry I didn't listen to her… I should have listened… I am always MY last priority … People comes in the first place and I come at the end of the list.
Today, I discovered how stupid I am. When YOU put YOURSELF at the end of the list, you will REMAIN there forever. No one will care to put you at the top or even the middle of the list. No one will care…

I am sorry guys, I know I am such a pain in the neck, bas ma3lish, you are the only people I talk to these days.
Bear with me my stupidity and negative attitude and pray for me please.

* Special thanks to Around the Clock & Dalulla, you proved to me that there are still good people in this world – el donia lessa be.7air.

Posted by Wonderer :: 1:48 AM :: 18 comments

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

I hate you then I love you

You make me sad
You make me strong
You make me mad
You make me long for you

You make me live
You make me die
You make me laugh
You make me cry for you

You treat me wrong
You treat me right
You let me be
You make me fight with you
I could never live without you

I hate you
Then I love you
Then I love you
Then I hate you
Then I love you more
I love you more

(Duet: Celine Dion & Luciano Pavarotti)

Posted by Wonderer :: 5:55 PM :: 6 comments

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Friday, December 02, 2005

Turn Back the Clock

I need a time-machine,
I need an undo button,
Can't turn back the clock...

Posted by Wonderer :: 3:35 PM :: 7 comments

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